Monday, January 18, 2010

Patience is a virtue...

The man who first qouted that, obviously had no children. Possibly not even a mother! I find the older my children get, the less patience I actually have. I find the more patience I lose, the more swear words my children learn.

Which brings me to my latest entry. My son has just recently been potty trained. Okay when I say recent, I mean within the last year. Every time he goes "poo" he politely screams from the bathroom "I'm DOOOOOOOONNNNEEEE" at the top of his lungs. Normally I am in the middle of something important, cleaning, laundry, whatever. Today it was mastering the art of Super Mario Brothers on my daughters Nintendo DS. Thankfully my husband was off and home today. He went to the bathroom to help my son wipe in which my son stated "I can wipe my own damn butt!" My husband finds it necessary to relay this message to me and tell me I really need to take my swearing down a notch because our 3 yr old is picking up on it. I'm just thankful he said butt instead of ass. Seriously, because that sounds more like me.

I mean it's not like he walks around cussing up a storm all day. He rarely lets a swear word out, unless he has just heard me say it. I can tell you this, he repeats one probably once in a blue moon and for this house, that's a god damn miracle, because I swear like I just got off a ship with a bunch of sailors.

Why is it people find swearing such a horrible thing to do around your children? They have no real idea of what they are saying, let alone comprehend what you have said. My kids know, if I say it, it usually means I have managed to injure myself or have just come across some crazy mess my kids just made. Say a full size mattress completely moved from your sons bed and propped up against a wall. The "Nanny" tells us to talk quietly to our children, treat them as equals. Seriously folks, if you walked into a room and saw your had children just moved a mattress that took your husband and male neighbor to move, pretty sure your not going to gently talk to them. You are going to react like I did and say "How the hell did you do this??"

Now my son yelling "What the hell?!" at a car honking at another car in the Target parking lot. Toatlly uncalled for!! I did reprimand him for that. I see no harm in my son repeating something right after I have said it though. I feel the words hell and damn are not that bad. If you want to get technical, once they hit a certain age and you have never sworn around them, they will use the phrases/words out of context in the wrong place at the wrong time. My children however, will be bored of those words by that time and know the difference of when they should be said and when they shouldn't.

Today's lesson folks and the moral of this story. Say them now. Otherwise you're going to be the mommy called to the office in a couple of years, because your child told thier teacher, "they don't give a damn!!" I however will be the mommy sitting at home politely cussing to myself, after I have stubbed my toe, like a crazy person. Like I always say, no harm, no foul. Sometimes a foul mouth is what keeps the harming from being done and gives you just a little bit more patience.

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