Thursday, August 18, 2011

Organized Chaos...

Organized Chaos, that is my life. My mother will most likely agree with that statement. Many of you know I have some weird quirks and OCD habits. Okay the operative word being “some”.

Many years ago or maybe yesterday, I used to believe as long as no one could see the mess; there was no reason to clean it up. As I’ve grown, or maybe through listening to many of my mother’s complaints, that a clean house is a happy house. I wouldn’t say I’ve gone as far as my mother, carrying around a travel size container of Murphy’s oil or rubber gloves, to unsuspecting people’s houses. I love my mom, if her habits, err, Monica Gellar like OCD wear off on me, someone might have to call hoarders on me.

On to today’s post. So I decided to do a multi-family garage sale. This of which, I waited till the last minute to prepare. Like I always say “There’s no time, like a procrastinator’s time.” I am pleasantly surprised at how organized I was this go around. Mainly because no one wanted to buy the stuff I was selling last time and for whatever reason I held on to the unsellable. Therefore, already priced and ready to go.

Now anyone with young children, with the hoarding abilities of the best hoarders, will understand the true dilemma of preparing for a garage sale. My kids don’t just hoard toys, its McDonalds Toys, papers with pictures of two different colored lines, used stickers so on and so forth. I wish I could blame this on my husband; unfortunately I’m probably one of the biggest sentimental saving pack rat. I have a story for every single piece of clothes, book, picture, card…you name it. It’s rather disgusting and slightly interesting, if that’s even possible to put together?!?!?!

So today I began gathering up things that were unused, grown out of or unwanted. Sadly once I had a decent pile-o-shit, did the riots of tears and sadness begin. My son was distraught over the fact I was going to sell his size FOUR, Buzz Lightyear suit. My husband and I forced him to try it on, over his clothes, in hopes he would see it didn’t fit. Yeah, NO. That damn suit, made it over the clothes and you could still zip the back. Damn it. When will this costume EVER leave our house? Before I knew it my daughter was upset at the possibility of losing her Hannah Montana shoes, mind you they never been worn…EVER. She’s swearing they’re her favorite. RIGHT!!
It was from that moment on, I told the kids they could save one item for the time being and that’s all. This began the haggling. Anyone ever seen a five year old haggle?? No. Let me draw you a picture then, because they are not the best deal makers- by any means. In the midst of the pile of items I was selling, his snowsuit and a size 4T Spiderman shirt.

Now mind you, he is very attached to his Super Hero items, but come on…he looked like Chris Farley in David Spade’s suit jacket in this shirt. So he then says “Mom, I can keep my buzz costume and you can have my snow suit.” I explain to him that he’s already saved the costume, but the snow suit goes. This leads to the haggling…”okay, I will keep my snow suit and buzz costume and you can have my Spiderman shirt.” AGAIN, I explain he’s only keeping the costume, this in leads to his final offer “I will give you two dollars for my snowsuit.” I’m really hoping after this conversation and in the future, his bargaining skills improve. I don’t need him paying for items, he already owns. I can see it now, “Look mom, this kid at school told me he’d give me my backpack back for only $10. It was a really good deal!” Lord, please help this boy!

Moral of the story folks, if you’re going to sell, give away or throw out unused or unwanted items- send the kids away. You’ll end up keeping half the stuff you planned to sell and in another year, be in the same boat. It truly is a vicious cycle. It probably doesn’t help, that I have a hard time with parting with things. I mean, I’m going to be able to re-use all 30 years worth of birthday cards, one day, right??

1 comment:

  1. You failed to mention the box of clothes belonging to the kids that you had to keep even though they no longer fit them. ;)
