Tuesday, August 16, 2011

SIbling Rivalry....

Sibling Rivalry. We have all been through it. Some of us being the younger siblings, or like me, the oldest…of six!! Thankfully we didn’t all grow up in the same house. It wasn’t until recently, I finally feel for what my parents went through. You know that little rain dance our mothers do as we are children in the midst of yelling at us, stating “One day you’ll have children and they will be just like you, except ten times worse!” Yeah, about that, Thanks a lot mom!!

On to today’s post. I have two children; of this, some of you are aware of, who are my exact DNA make up-personality wise. Looks wise, well I could probably only claim one. Thank God, I make a cute little boy, I’m just saying… I’m not sure I could claim ownership of an ugly kid, just kidding…maybe.

I’m off track. So the summer is beginning to wind down. Actually, it’s officially over as of tomorrow evening. Well, since the beginning of the summer my two children have grown. My daughter is wanting more alone time to just play with her friends, and well, my son is the only boy on the street- if we’re not including toddlers. So I find, throughout the day, he’s doing whatever in his power to either A. makes his sister scream or B. intentionally hurt her. Now mind you, he does have a slight upper hand in the harming situation. You know, considering his sister round house kicked him in the face this past spring and knocked out both his front teeth. While it was an accident, I can tell you it was most definitely not an accident when I launched a rollerblade at my sister’s head. Don’t worry, she’s fine…we visit her in the hospital to this day. Only kidding…

Sidetracked, ONCE AGAIN. So today I found myself in an awkward situation. My daughter wanted to play with her friend by herself; typically I grab Jack’s attention and keep him from bothering the girls for awhile. Not today. Today, my son came down, dressed in my daughter’s shorts and her tank top; he even went as far as putting on a head band. He then goes to our front door and rings the doorbell. I answer the door unsuspecting of what I’m about to encounter. SURPRISE! Here he is and he says “Hi, my name is Jack, I mean Kevin, and I want to play with the girls please?” I couldn’t contain my laughter and just stared at him. Should I be concerned that he will someday become a cross dresser? Or is he really that desperate for some playtime with his sister? Either way, I really wasn’t sure how to respond.

He plays with his sister all the time. I think some days, after he’s been given the boot from my daughter for being a typical 5 yr old and crashing batman’s motorcycle through Barbie’s beach house, he’ll try anything to get back in there just to make her screech. However, his cross dressing to get him a ticket back in today. Plus, he really needs to find a better alias, than Kevin.

Moral of the story today folks is, be prepared. You most likely, mom’s, gave birth to yourself. While the first couple of years are joyful and full of new experiences, brace yourself. Once five hits, it’s like another dimension. You’ll never know what’s around the corner, and to be quite frank sometimes it’s better if you just don’t know. I’m just saying!

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