Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When we give birth to our children, all we see is what is right in front of us. No, not the OB/GYN stitching your girl downstairs back up, our child. Get your mind out of the gutters.

No one prepares us for what is to come. I’m sure when we were young, our parents attempted to, at some point they gave up. I can see it now, “My parents left me in the dark and look, and we made it.” Note: one of us kids was most likely licking a window during this conversation or eating paste…who knows.

As I sit here and type this, I am realizing my babies are growing up. I know, crazy right. Who knew they wouldn’t stay babies forever?!?! Tomorrow I send my youngest off to kindergarten. However, if you saw me, you’d think it was 1945 and I just sent my boy off to war, white kerchief waving in the air as the old Buick pulls down the gravel lane and him waving out the back window. What’s really going to happen tomorrow though is he’ll most likely push me down and run into his teacher’s arms, leaving me like chopped liver. Who does he think he is?? Okay, I’m ahead of myself, that won’t happen. It better not!!

I find every year, since my daughter started school that, it’s harder to let go. However, around about May I’m finally used to the idea of them being in school. Last year, I began to enjoy my three hours to myself as jack was in preschool. Not this year, this year I am going to be all by myself for EIGHT straight hours. Okay, not completely alone. Three days a week for two hours I will be the ‘Old Lady’ surrounded by college students.

Still, it’s hard to grasp, that this year, my baby is officially going places. Next thing you know, he’ll be 16 and….okay, I don’t even want to contemplate those years. Mainly because he’ll be driving and hopefully I won’t have taught him anything behind the wheel related. Pray, that his father teaches his sister and him. Seriously. You should pray now!

Once again, totally sidetracked. So here I am, 30 years old, my days as a stay home mother are officially numbered. What happens when you no longer have a child at home during the day, for EIGHT HOURS? One thing I know is it will be super quiet, and anyone who knows me, knows this will be a rather hard adjustment. My children’s normal tone is at def-com levels. They get it from their father….

My other issue is I have to eat lunch alone, on the couch, watching iCarly or Good Luck Charlie by myself. I know, sad, sappy Alyson…what will she do now?? I have absolutely idea… Seriously, outside school, I’m slightly confused at this new concept of having ‘ME’ time. I’m actually scared. Maybe I should take a part time job as a Wal-mart greeter, just to get some sort of crazy daily interaction? No?

Moral of today’s story kids…relish your children. Be thankful, if you had the opportunity to stay home fulltime, with your children. Too soon, they will be up and going to school.I know I'm truly thankful for my two beautiful children tonight. I’m hoping they make it through school, no gets knocked up and no one ends up in jail. They are my children, so my future as a mother will definitely be sure to keep me constantly on my toes. Jealous??

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